Welcome to Sustainable Mountain Initiatives Nepal

Sustainable Mountain Initiatives Nepal is a non-government, not-for-profit social service organization dedicated to conservation of natural resources, supporting mountain communities and environments adapt to climate change and preservation and promotion of local culture and heritage.

Our mission is to strengthen livelihoods of mountain communities through sustainable use of natural resources and tackle any potential and existing natural and environmental impacts with resources available in collaboration with national and international stakeholders. We focus to address those communities who are at the risk of climate change. 


What We Do

We organize training, workshops, and interaction programs at the local level; formulate action plans and programs; conduct field visits and research; coordinate with donor partners, local-level government agencies, INGOs, NGO's, and local communities; and advocate for the rights and issues of local communities. We prioritize issues of climate change, women's empowerment, children's education, health, and sanitation, and offer volunteering and internship opportunities. Our thematic areas include from livelihood support and sustainable community development to biodiversity conservation, eco-tourism and education in mountain areas.
  • Research and Study Program

    Research and Study Program

    Research and Study Program focuses on providing international students and researchers the opportunity to carry out extensive study and research in areas they are interested…

  • Volunteer Program

    Volunteer Program

    RTEES Nepal organizes various volunteer programs in the mountain regions of Nepal to help poor and helpless communities. Volunteering is a noble and commendable task…